Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Katekyo Hitman Reborn (KHR) Episode 1 Review

       Katekyo Hitman Reborn (KHR) Episode 1 Review

I have been meaning to watch KHR for a long time now but, I never really had the time & I would always be making excuses for not watching it. So today my heap of excuses & procrasinating comes to an end. About 3 people reccomended  this anime series so I figured I'd watch it. I must say this is an....interesting anime. I don't mean to say "interesting" as in bad. 
It's just....interesting. The plot line is quite strange but this anime is entertaining.  Well let's get to the reviewing shall we? 

(Im trying to keep my reviews for this series as short as possible, due to the fact that there are 204 episodes. Including the special)

  Plot Summary: 
 Tsuna is a hapless youth with low test scores and lower self esteem. His mother hires a tutor to help Tsuna out, It comes as a surprise to the both of them when the tutor claims to be Reborn, from the Mafia. Reborn informs Tsuna that he's the next heir to the Vongola family mafia family and tries to help Tsuna reach the goal. Reborn possesses the Dying Will bullet, which kills a person and brings them back to life to fulfill the last regret they had, and even works to get Tsuna some henchmen to make him a true mafia boss-in-training.

So the anime begins in Sicily, Italy. There's this tough guy with a hat walking around the place & everyone stares at him but, they don't show his face. (Which by the way is very frustrating for me because I can't focus on the anime & my mind starts screaming "WHAT!? WHAT DOES HE LOOK LIKE!?!? TELL MEEEEEE!" & doesn't shut up. That's my brain for ya.) He enters a bar of some sort & you notice that he has a chameleon on his head. The men at the bar mention his name, Reborn. (That's one hell of a weird name.) Then I see this....

It's a fucking baby.
No wonder everyone was staring. I was certainly NOT expecting a Mafia baby.
So not only is the Hitman a baby, but his gun is actually a chameleon. Wow. How do people come up with these things? (Btw that gun looked cool xD)
Besides all these sudden surprises, I must say that this Hitman is the most adorable thing I have ever layed eyes on. I mean, Hitmen are getting old, so why not make the Hitman, get this....A BABY! That will surely be a success!
Well guess what? It is, because not only have I fallen in love the the adorable Mafia baby but, I like the retarded chameleon too! <3

I found the animation & illustrations entertaining. However, the song didn't really seem to catch my attention. 
 I give it a 3/5

So the baby Hitman arrives in Japan, infront of a house. Before I get any further, let me show you the main character, Tsuna. (I like that name for some reason...)

Judging from this picture, you'd expect Tsuna to be a super cool hotty. Sexy,smart, powerful/strong, wise & Tsundere-ish.
Well, if you thought that was his personality, you're wrong.  Tsuna is actually a Happy-Go-Lucky, clumsy, silly, insecure, not-so-smart, wimpy-ish teenage boy. (Plus, all his classmates called him No-Good Tsuna) Although I do like Sexy, smart, strong, Tsundere-ish guys, I think it's good that they made his personality that way. Not everyone is that powerful, strong, or confident. I love it when they make animes where you can relate to the main character, & what better way to do that then to give him insecurities of his own? (ALERT: MOVING OFF TOPIC, AGAIN.) Anyways, Tsuna's mother recieves a letter in the mail saying "Tsuna will be studying with a home tutor. I will raise your child to become the leader of the next generation." And the mother actually agrees! (That paper better have had a spell on it to make the mom lose common sense or I am going to wring that stupid mother's neck. No matter how I try to interpret it, it just doesn't make sense! How can you agree to let an anonymous person tutor your son!? Ontop of that, it's a BABY! Ugh.) It turns out that the "Tutor" is actually Baby Hitman! <--- That's his nickname from now on. Tsuna begins to make fun of Baby Hitman & we learn that not only does the baby have weapons, but he's also very strong!
On Tsuna's way to school, we also learn that he has a crush on Sasagawa Kyoko, the idol of his middle school. He explains that Kyoko has so many boys after her, there is no way she'd pick a wimpy kid like Tsuna. Even if he confesses, he'd be wasting his time. (I sense a relationship is going to form between the two! Ohohohohoh~~) At that remark, Baby Hitman takes out his gun, & shoots Tsuna in the head. At first I thought "Ohhh now something epic is going to happen with tsuna. He's gonna transform or something! Cool!" Tsuna suddenly starts glowing, his eyes turn fierce, &
Well......This happened. I really don't know where to begin......
I didn't know that he was too powerful for his pants & shirt.
Let's leave it at that. So Tsuna suddenly becomes incredibly determined to confess to Kyoko & starts running around his whole neighborhood like a crazy person to the point where it becomes ridiculous & I start to laugh my head off. He jumps from fences & gets hit by a bus which sends him flying. He's starting to look like a pinball at this point, bouncing off every object he can find to get to Kyoko. Then we meet Mochida-Senpai which is apparently romantically interested in Kyoko as well. Mochida & Kyoko start to walk to school together when out of the blue, Tsuna falls from the sky & lands right next to Mochida, sending poor Mochida flying in the air only to be catched by a baseball player in the school. AHAHAHA THE IRONY! Tsuna then asks Kyoko out on a date IN BOXERS,INFRONT OF THE SCHOOL, WITH TONS OF STUDENTS STARING.  I don't know about you, but I would probably run away to class from embarrasment too. That's exactly what Kyoko did. 

Tsuna then came back to his senses, while Mochida proceeded to punch him for embarrasing her. After Tsuna stops panicking after what he had done, Baby Hitman explains what happened. The bullet that Baby Hitman shot Tsuna with was a "Dying Will Bullet". A person shot in the head by it will be resurrected with a dying will. The basis of resurrection is if you have any regrets when dying. When Tsuna was shot in the head, the last thing he thought was that he regretted not being able to confess to Kyoko before he died. 
The "Dying Will Bullet" also explains why Tsuna was able to bounce around like a pinball. Dying would mean that all your safety switches are turned off. So in exchange for risking your life to the limit, you can harness amazing strength. Which means that Tsuna's true potential strength is hidden but, is awakened when he recieves the "Dying Will Bullet". 
Ontop of all the embarrasment Tsuna had to face, Hibari from the Discipline Commitee came face to face with Tsuna when he was half naked. Great.
He tells Tsuna that he will not overlook such an indecent act. Tsuna say's his apologies & runs to the school doors, while still half-naked. Hibari & Baby Hitman stare at eachother for a while until Hibari smiles & nods. I have a feeling they got a lil connection...I don't know.

When Tsuna walks into the classroom, everyone starts laughing & teasing him. They mention that Mochida wants to get revenge on the insult Kyoko recieved from Tsuna. (Insult as in the likes of him asking her for a date) Mochida said he wanted to fight Tsuna during the afternoon break at gym. Tsuna began to  panick & tried to run away but, Baby Hitman stopped him & said if he ran away now, he was going to run away for the rest of his life. Tsuna returned a snappy comment which made me laugh alot more then I should have. 

"I don't want some baby talking to me about my life!" 
(Well, I gotta say....for a baby, Hitman is way more wise than you. Maybe you should listen to this adorable baby once in a while.)
Baby Hitman finally managed to convince Tsuna to fight back by saying "Even if you get totally thrashed, a guy who stands up & fights is way cooler. What would Kyoko think of you? A guy who fights with all his strength will stay in her memory forever." Ahhh~ Baby Hitman's words of wisdom for the day.
So Tsuna stands up & goes to the fight. For the first few minutes, Tsuna is utterly scared to death due to the fact that Mochida is the Captain of the Kendo club & will probably beat Tsuna to a pulp so, Mochida starts chasing after him with his wooden sword while Tsuna runs away yelling "SAVE ME" infront of everyone. Finally, Baby Hitman shoots the bullet in Tsuna's head & he takes off everything except his boxers infront of everyone.....AGAIN. 

Basically, Tsuna once again has a regret & resurrects. Tsuna attacks Mochida but, instead of punching him, he pulls out all his hair instead. 
After Tsuna leaves the poor guy bald, he comes back to his senses. Kyoko approaches him & apoligizes for not catching the "joke" earlier that day. (When he confessed in boxers.) Kyoko also asks if she can now call him Tsuna-kun. Of course, Tsuna raises his hopes a bit & makes friends with his crush. 

When Tsuna gets back to his house,he learns that he is actually the Vongola family's tenth generation boss. Baby Hitman explains that he was sent to Tsuna's house because he was requested from the current Vongola family boss, the ninth, to train him to become an admirable Mafia boss. The Vongola family's first boss retired & crossed to Japan. That was Tsuna's great, great, great grandfather. In other words, since he inherited the Vongola blood he is a legitimate candidate to become the next boss. Tsuna refuses to become the Mafia boss & Baby Hitman tells him that he has no choice. He lies down on Tsuna's bed & goes to sleep. As Tsuna is still in shock about everything, he tries to get him to wake up, which leads to this picture below.

 So in conclusion, Tsuna has found out that he is acually the Vongola family's tenth generation boss, Kyoko believes that Tsuna's confession infront of the school was a joke, Tsuna confronted his fears & pulled all of it's hair out, He now has a special power, & there's a hot silver haired dude who is following Tsuna around, most likely looking for a fight. 

Well, this anime is funny, colorful, entertaining, & interesting.
The storyline is a little strange but, in a good way! I'm sure that they will have many oppurtunities to add twists & drama to the story. Not to mention romance between Kyoko & Tsuna. I look forward to watching episode 2 of KHR.
Stay Tuned! <3

(I wanted to keep this short from the beginning......didn't work out so well....)

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


      Togainu No Chi Episode 1 Review

I just started this new series today & I must say it's REALLY interesting.
So there is this weird guy with a suitcase at the beginning of the episode & he's saying this real deep shit that I can't say quote by quote. So, this guy jumps off a building & I thought he was commiting suicide but, no apparently the guy can freakin jump off buildings & land feet first on the ground. (Maybe he's a cat?) Anyways, this creepy guy leaves his suitcase in the middle of the street. (Seriously, who does that!? "Oh hey I have a suitcase so im gonna leave it in the middle of the street so people can steal my stuff before it gets run over by car!")
Then, the opening song begins. I thought the opening song was entertaining.
(If you enjoy metal, that is.) Then it goes on to show the main character, Akira.
Which by the way, is fucking HOT! Akira looks super badass to me & it looks like they could do a lot of interesting things with this type of character's personality. Let's just hope they don't mess up their oppurtunity. So Akira is fighting a tough guy & Akira pummels the crap out of him and wins at this fighting arena called Bl@ster <---- Yeah, that's how you spell it.
Akira seems to not really care about winning because he shrugged the fact that he won off & looked utterly bored to death. (~~Ohoooo My, my, a little passive, are we?) As Akira walks past some guys that invited him to drink, this guy named Keisuke starts talking to Akira. They seem to be good friends and Keisuke looks like a really gentle, caring person. I'm already starting to like these characters.

                           The picture above me is the guy named Keisuke.
So as the story continues, Keisuke tells Akira that he will swing by his place later & Akira agrees. Akira then walks to his home & lies down on the bed obviously looking bored and depressed with his life. (At least, that's the impression I got.) He falls asleep & has a dream about 2 guys beating up someone to death (Which by the way is COMPLETELY normal.....O.O) Akira then wakes up to the sound of someone knocking on his door repeatedly. At first I thought it was Keisuke but, Akira was on his tiptoes & being as quiet as possible so I knew something weird was going on.  Before Akira even gets to open the door, a stranger in black clothing swings the door open & tries to attack him. Of course, Akira being the Bl@ster champion he is, he beats him up in a couple swings but is surrounded by 2 more guys in black & ends up getting tackled to the floor with his arms behind his back. They say that they are cops & that they believe Akira knows someone that they are looking for. (You know, if the "Cops" had just politely knocked on the door and had went into Akira's house respectfully, maybe Akira wouldn't have minded opening the door & answering questions! -_-) Anyways, I bursted out laughing when I saw the guy who had Akira's hands behind his back because his eyes were really bugged out & he looked like an insect crawling on the poor dude.
                 See what I mean? It's a human insect! (If that's even possible)
Anyways, the cops question him about a certain man on a phto that they have. It took me a couple minutes to figure out that the guy in the phtograph was actually the dude in Akira's dream that got beat up. (Don't blame me! Im slow! >.<) Apparently the man died & Akira was the prime suspect, so they took him to jail. While all the police drama was happening, Keisuke ran over to Akira's house with some grocery bags only to find no one at the house & Akira's jacket on the chair. Keisuke starts to get worried & he goes around looking for him. (Poor guy) Meanwhile, poor Akira is getting beat up by some "Cops". The "Cops" explain that Akira has no alibi, he's strong, skilled, & agile. (Don't forget smoking HOT! O//////O) Plus, he was near the scene of the crime & he is involved with the fighting arena Bl@ster, so he had to spit out that he did it or they were just going to probably beat him up until he dies. Even though Akira defended himself, they still took him away & he was charged for murder which in this Anime, is a lifetime in prison. (Yikes!) As Akira sits down in jail & starts wondering if he's really going to be here for the rest of his life due to false accusations, a "Cop" opens the door & tells him he has a visitor. (Okay, so they really are cops, you win. I was certain they weren't, dammit.... -_-) When he enters the room a woman named.....uhhh....erm....well, she said to think of her as unimportant so....I forgot her name. Whoops. Okay well anyway's here's a picture of her. Im just going to nickname her Glenn from now on, okay? Btw, Glenn is BEAUTIFUL. This is coming from a straight girl. 

When he enters the room a woman named Glenn tells Akira that he could still get out of jail but on their own conditions. (There's always gotta be conditions, dammit.) Glenn tells Akira about a place called Toshima. After the Division District incident, (Wait, what incident!? What happened? They never freakin explained! >.<) the gap between the CFC & the Japanese Revival Party grew wider, & Toshima became a lawless district. She explains that if he would like to get his freedom back, he would have to go to Toshima & participate in Igra. Glenn says that Igra is a more mature game than that of Bl@ster. Igra is a massacre game where you must take necklace tags from other participants by force. The end-goal is to aim for Igra's flawless king. Akira must defeat someone called II Re. (~~ooooooo Intimidating name......creepy O.O) If he is able to overthrow the king, that would lead to the destruction of the drug company Vischio. If he did that, she would find a way to free him from the prison's grasp. He agreed & Glenn handed him a couple necklace tags needed to participate in the game. The next day, Akira is freed from jail & is followed by 2 police officers so he can pick up his stuff & go to Toshima. As Akira gets to his house, he finds Keisuke sitting down beside the door waiting for him. (Keisuke was probably there the whole night beside the door like a little puppy. He's adorable! Kya!~ >.<) Keisuke & Akira meet up & start talking. The 2 police officers then tell Keisuke to refrain from any unecessary contact. Keisuke yells at the 2 cops & demands them to leave. (Personally, I REALLY like Keisuke. One, because he looks like an uke, & I love uke's cause they're full of MOE adorable-ness. Two, because most uke's are "vulnerable" & the seme always has to save the uke. Which of course I don't mind, I actually love it. Though, I really do appreciate & LOVE Uke's who can be cute & adorable, yet become threatening & scary when the time to stand up for themselves comes.) Wow, Im off topic. Moving on, Akira then throws a sex joke by saying "Im going to say my goodbyes so Im going into my house. What if there's something that I want to do that I can't do outside?" & Keisuke gets all flustered & confused. 
(Kya!~ O///O) Once Akira goes inside the house with Keisuke he explains what happened last night (<----That's what she said.) CUT IT OUT DIRTY MIND! Anyways, Akira then tells him he has no other choice but to participate unless he wants to spend his whole life in jail. Akira then leaves Keisuke & follows the police officers to the car. Keisuke stays in Akira's room saddened. Akira is then abandoned by the 2 cops in Toshima, his destination. Akira takes a REAL long walk around the abandoned (when I say abandoned, I mean buildings rotting, roads/streets broken, streets lights crippled, etc. Ya know, kinda like The Walking Dead atmosphere going on. Except, there's no zombies....I think. I'll have to watch episode 2 to find out.) city. As he was taking a REALLY long walk, it gave me a good opportunity to view the illustrations & art. I noticed the art was very lifelike & detailed. However, the animation was O.K. 
Finally, Akira walks upon a couple of strange shaped tubes with green liquid inside of them. 

He is then ambushed by some weird guys with veins popping out of their head. They threaten Akira, telling him that if he doesn't hand over his tags, they will kill him. Akira refuses to hand them over so, the weird guys gang up on him & grab the tubes with green liquid inside & drink them. (Is that an energy drink or a drug? Maybe steroids? Who knows.) I guess the glass tubes make them stronger? Either way, Akira fights back but ends up on the floor. He stands back up again, ready to beat the crap out of them. Just as he was about to do that, a really, & I MEAN REALLY FUCKING HOT guy with a KATANA! (It's a freakin BONUS! A Katana makes a guy look even sexier! Kya!~ O///O) I am Kya!-ing way too much in this anime. UGH I KEEP SWITCHING TOPICS! A hot guy with a katana....*tries her best to not Kya again*.....steps out of the shadows & slaughters everyone besides Akira. (Must I mention he slaughtered them in a really cool way. Readers: "......" Me: What?.....OKAY IM SORRY IM A PYSCHO.) The hot guy dripping pheromones points his sword towards Akira & asks hm if he wants to die too. He tells him to beg for his life, & Akira returns a snappy comment refusing to beg. The hot guy then whispers "Those arrogant eyes of yours are most intriguing." before he dissapears into the shadows again. (I smell smexy romance between the the two! :D)
             This is the HOT guy that's dripping with Katana pheromones.
              (There's something about hot guys with swords that I LOVE)

That concluded the first episode. All in all, for the first episode, I found this anime very interesting. I really liked the way the illustrations & characters were shown. Ontop of that the characters were super hot, especially Akira & the "Katana Man" <----- That's his nickname until I find out his name. All in all, I believe that this was a great introduction to the series. I am definetely looking forward to watching episode 2 of Togainu No Chi. I will be posting Togainu No Chi episode 2 Review soon. Thanks! <3

.............Im.....hungry......  :/ (Forgot I skipped breakfast)